CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Text File
594 lines
January 20, 1991
Text Editor (TE) 2.5 is a public domain, full screen ASCII text
editor for the IBM PC and close compatibles which uses commands
similar to those used in WordStar and Sidekick. Features include:
o Display primary commands on pop-up help screen. Prompt
for subcommands.
o Insert, delete, split, join a line.
o Copy, delete, move, read, write, shift, hide, display
a marked block of partial or whole lines.
o Print a file/block to LPT1-LPT3.
o Enter any ASCII code.
o Find/replace a phrase.
o Temporary return to DOS.
o Set left/right margins and page length.
o Word wrap.
o Format (justify) a paragraph.
o Program size of 29,904 bytes.
Primary uses for TE are to create/edit batch files, generate
forms, edit files captured by telecommunications programs, write
E-mail and simulate a "smart" typewriter.
The file to be edited must be able to fit into available CPU
memory. The ASCII file must consist of lines of characters that
end with the CR character (ASCII 13). If the line contains more
than 255 characters or doesn't end with a CR, the first 255
characters are retrieved and another line is started. EOF
characters (ASCII 26) found before the true end of the file are
TE consists of one file TE.EXE with a size of 29,904 bytes. To
load TE from any drive/directory, place TE.EXE in a directory that
is listed in the DOS PATH statement. TE.EXE display colors,
laptop display colors, cursor size, default margins, and default
page length can be changed with utility program TEMOD.EXE.
The symbols c-, s-, a- mean press the Ctrl, Shift or Alt key
simultaneously with the next key. Letters may be entered as upper
or lower case.
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| TE [Path][FileName] | c- Ctrl s- Shft a- Alt |
| File |
| c-KD, c-KQ, F4 Save file and quit editor |
| c-KE, F2 Save and/or load another file |
| Cursor Movement |
| c-S, Left Char left | c-QS, Home Line begin |
| c-D, Rt Char right | c-QD, End Line end |
| c-A, c-Left Prev word | c-QE, c-Home Screen top |
| c-F, c-Rt Next word | c-QX, c-End Screen bottom |
| c-E, Up Prev line | c-QR, c-PgUp File start |
| c-X, Dn Next line | c-QC, c-PgDn File end |
| c-W Scroll up | c-QB To block start |
| c-Z Scroll down | c-QK To block end |
| c-R, PgUp Up 23 lines | Tab Next word, prev line |
| c-C, PgDn Dn 23 lines | s-Tab Prev word, prev line |
| c-Q4 To specified line | c-Kn Set line mark n=0-3 |
| c-QP Dn page len lines | c-Qn To line mark n=0-3 |
| Insert/Delete |
| c-V, Ins Insert/Replace | c-H, BkSp Delete left char |
| Entr Split/Insert line | c-G, Del Del char/join line |
| c-N, F9 Insert line | c-T Del next word |
| c-Y, F10 Delete line | c-QY Del to end line |
| Block |
| c-KB, F7 Mark block start | c-KC Copy block |
| c-KK, F8 Mark block end | c-KY Delete block |
| c-KH Hide/display block | c-KV Move block |
| c-KI Block right 1 char | c-KR Read block from disk |
| c-KU Block left 1 char | c-KW Write block to disk |
| Miscellaneous |
| F1 Display summary of Text Editor commands |
| c-QF Find phrase (1-31 chars) in file or block |
| c-QA Find/replace phrase (1-31 chars) in file or block |
| c-KP, F5 Print file or block to LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3 |
| a-Xa-Ya-Z ASCII code XYZ = 32-255 on keypad |
| c-P Then a-Xa-Y on keypad for ASCII XY = 1-31 |
| c-KS, F3 Temporary return to DOS. Back to TE: EXIT |
| c-QM Set left/right margins, page length |
| c-B Format paragraph to left/right margins |
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The top screen line provides status information for the file being
o F1-Help. Where to find a pop-up screen of all TE commands.
o Line and column position of the cursor.
o Insert/Ovrwrite. If Insert mode, an entered character will
be added at the cursor by moving the character at the
cursor to the right. If Ovrwrite mode, an entered character
will replace the character at the cursor. Press the Ins key
to toggle between Insert and Ovrwrite.
o The drive, directory, and name of the file currently being
o An asterisk "*" if character(s)/line(s) have been added or
The status line and the next line are temporarily used for
additional prompts required by some commands.
TE is started by entering TE on the DOS command line. After TE is
loaded, TE asks "File to edit:". If only the Enter key is
pressed, TE will terminate and return to DOS. The drive/directory
must be included if the file is not located in the current
directory. The file name can be edited with the Home, End,
Left/Right arrow, Del and Bksp keys as it is entered. If the file
can't be found, TE asks "(file name) not found. New file (Y/N)?".
Enter Y or N (upper or lower case). Pressing Enter after Y or N
is not required. If Y, data may be entered into the new file. If
N, TE asks "Enter another file name (Y/N)?". If Y, enter the file
name. If N, TE will terminate.
TE can also be started by entering TE and including the file name
with optional drive/directory on the command line. For example:
TE C:\DOC\234.DOC will load the TE program and file 234.DOC from
drive/directory C:\DOC.
Two primary file load, file save/no save , quit commands are
available. Each command provides prompts for various options.
c-KD or c-KQ or F4 Save File And Quit Editor
c-KD means press the Ctrl and K (upper or lowercase) keys
together. Then press D (upper or lowercase). If no changes have
been made to the file, TE asks "File has NOT been modified. Quit
editor (Y/N)?". If Y, TE will terminate and return to DOS. If N,
TE can continue to be used with the current file.
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If changes have been made to the file, TE asks "Save file as:
(file name) (Y/N)?". If N, TE asks "Quit editor (Y/N)?". If Y,
TE will terminate. If N, TE can continue to be used with the
current file. To save changes made to the file, TE asks "Save
file with current file name (Y/N)?". If Y, the file will be saved
with the current name and TE will terminate. If N, the current
drive/directory and file name may be changed with the Home, End,
Left/Right arrow, Del and Bksp keys. Press Enter to have TE save
the new file name and terminate.
Trailing spaces are stripped from the end of each line before the
file is saved. If the message "Drive not ready or can't save
file. Quit (Y/N)?" appears, it could mean the file is read-only.
It is not possible to save changes to a read only file until the
read-only attribute is removed by temporarily returning to DOS (F3
or c-KS command) and removing the read-only attribute with the DOS
ATTRIB command.
If a non-ASCII file (.COM, .EXE, .WK1, etc. ) or an ASCII file
that contains more than 255 characters per line is loaded into TE,
DON'T SAVE THE FILE!. TE will corrupt the saved file since TE
loads all characters to the CR (ASCII 13) or the first 255
characters of each line and then starts another line. When the
file is saved, trailing spaces (ASCII 20) are stripped and CR, LF
(ASCII 13,10) characters are inserted.
c-KE or F2 Save File And/Or Load Another File
The c-KE (F2) command adds to c-KD (c-KQ, F4) the question
"Continue editing same file (Y/N)?". If Y, the current file may
continue to be edited. If N, TE asks "File to edit:". Enter a
file name with optional drive/directory. If TE can't find the
file, TE asks "(file name) not found. New file (Y/N)?". If Y,
enter the new file name. If only the Enter key is pressed, TE
will terminate and return to DOS. If N, TE asks "Enter another
file name (Y/N)?". If Y, enter the file name. If N, TE will
Tab and s-Tab
Tab or s-Tab moves the cursor to a position which is equivalent to
the next or previous word on the previous line. Tab and s-Tab
commands do not insert tab characters (ASCII 9) into the file. If
the file contains tab characters, they will be displayed as an "o"
with the sides open. Tabs are not converted to spaces. Use the
the c-QA Find/Replace command to convert a Tab character to 8
(typically) spaces.
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c-QP Down Page Length
The cursor is moved down page length lines. The standard default
value is 62 lines. It can be changed with the c-QM Set Left/Right
Margins and Page Length command. This command is used to add
headers, footers, page numbers, etc. at specified line intervals
in the file.
c-Qn To Line Mark n=0-3
Position cursor on the line previously set by c-Kn where n is
marker 0, 1, 2, 3. The default line marks are 20%, 40%, 60% and
80% of the max lines in the file. If the file contains less than
5 lines, the default mark is line 1.
c-Q4 To Specified Line
Position the cursor at the line number entered when TE asks
"To line:".
The other cursor movement commands listed in the Command Summary
section are self explanatory.
Insert/delete commands always operate on the line with the cursor.
Ins or c-V Insert/Replace
Toggle between character Insert and Ovrwrite (Replace) modes.
Refer to the explanation in the Status Line section.
Entr Split/Insert Line
Split the line at the cursor position and move all characters over
and to the right of the cursor to the next line. The cursor is
positioned to the left margin of the next line.
c-N or F9 Insert Line
Move the line with the cursor down and insert a blank line. The
cursor is moved to the left margin of the new line. If the
current line is the last line in the file, a new blank line is
added after the last line.
c-Y or F10 Delete Line
Delete the line containing the cursor. The cursor is moved to the
left margin of the next line.
BkSp or c-H Delete Left Character
Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
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Del or c-G Delete Character/Join Line
Delete the character over the cursor. If the cursor is beyond the
end of the line, the next line is joined to the current line at
the cursor position unless the current line is the last line in
the file.
c-T Delete Next Word
Delete all characters from the cursor position to the next space
character. If the cursor position is at a space, all spaces will
be deleted up to the next non-space character. If the cursor is
beyond the end of the line, the next line is joined to the current
c-QY Delete Characters To End Of Line
Delete all characters from the current cursor position to the end
of the line. If the cursor is at the beginning of the line, the
line is made blank and not deleted.
Word Wrap
Word wrap occurs when characters entered beyond the right margin
or column 253 cause a word (all preceding characters up to the
next blank character) to be moved to the next line. Word wrap is
generated by the c-B Format Paragraph command (See Miscellaneous
Commands section). The left/right margins are set with the c-QM
command. The standard default left/right margins are columns
1/252 (See Miscellaneous Commands section).
Block commands mark, copy, move, delete, read, write, print,
indent and unindent one or more partial/whole lines.
c-KB or F7 Mark Block Start
Mark (high lite) the block start line and column at the current
cursor position. The block will be default marked to the end of
the current line.
c-KK or F8 Mark Block Stop
Mark (high lite) all lines from the start block line and column,
marked with c-KB or F7, to the line and column containing the
current cursor position.
c-KH Hide/Display Block
Toggle between hide (remove high lite) or display (restore high
lite) a marked block. If a block is hidden, the block can't be
copied, moved, deleted, written, or printed.
- 7 -
c-KC Copy Block
Copy the marked block to the current cursor position. The copied
block is high lited. If part or all of a single line is marked, TE
asks "Insert (Y) or Overwrite (N)?". If Y, the single line block
will be added to the line by moving the characters at the cursor
position to the right. If N, existing characters to the right of
the cursor will be replaced. Multiple line blocks are always
inserted at the cursor position. If a copy into a marked block is
attempted, the operation will be canceled. If a combined line
will contain more than 253 characters, the operation will be
canceled. Use c-B Format Paragraph to justify text to left/right
c-KV Move Block
Move the marked block to the current cursor position. The moved
block is high lighted. Otherwise the operation is the same as
Copy Block.
c-KY Delete Block
Delete the marked block. For multiple line blocks, the start
line will be deleted if the start column is at the left margin.
c-KR Read Block From Disk
Read a specified file (block) from disk and insert at the line
with the cursor. Text on the line with the cursor is moved after
the inserted file. If the file is not found, the command will be
canceled. The command remembers the last entered block read or
block write file name.
c-KW Write Block To Disk
Write a marked block to disk. If the specified file already
exists, it will be replaced with the contents of the marked block.
If the disk (drive) is not ready, the command will be canceled.
The command remembers the last entered block read or block write
file name.
c-KI and c-KU Move Block Right/Left One Character
Move all lines of the marked block right (c-KI) or left (c-KU) one
character position from the block start column. Characters will
be lost if they are moved right, beyond column 253 or left, beyond
column 1. The block end column is ignored.
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F1 Display Summary Of TE Commands
The TE commands, remaining CPU memory and version number are
listed. Press any key to return to the file being edited. This
command can't be issued in the middle of another command.
c-KP or F5 Print File Or Block To LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3
TE asks "Print File (Y) or Block (N)?". If Y, the complete file
will be printed. If N, the marked block will be printed. Next,
TE asks "Printer LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 or Cancel (123C)?". Enter 1, 2,
or 3 for printer number or C to cancel the print operation. If
the printer is not ready (out of paper, off line, etc), TE asks
"Continue (Y/N)?". Find the cause for the printer not ready, then
answer Y. Otherwise, answer N to cancel the print operation.
a-Xa-Ya-Z Enter ASCII Code 32-255 On Keypad
ASCII codes, 32-255, that are not on the keyboard (i.e. line
drawing characters) can be entered into the file by pressing the
Alt key while simultaneously entering the 2 or 3 digit code on the
keypad. The equivalent symbol will be displayed on the screen.
c-Pa-Xa-Y Enter ASCII Code 1-31 On KeyPad
ASCII codes, 1-31, that can't be entered directly from the
keyboard (form feed, Esc) can be entered by pressing c-P. Then
press the Alt key simultaneously with a 2 digit code on the
keypad. The equivalent symbol will be displayed on the screen.
c-QF Find Phrase
When prompted with "Find:", enter a phrase of 1 to 31 characters.
To prevent finding an embedded phrase, enter a space before and
after the phrase. For example, enter <sp>the<sp> to prevent
finding the word "other". Cancel the operation by pressing the
Enter key only. TE asks for answers to the following options.
o "File (Y) or Block (N)?". If Y, the search begins at the
current cursor column, line. If N, the search begins at the
start column, line of the marked block.
o "Case sensitive (Y/N)?". If Y, the upper/lower case pattern
of the letters in the phrase will be matched. If N, case
sensitivity will be ignored. For example, the phrase "the"
will find "The" and "the" if N.
After each find, TE asks "Repeat (Y/N)?". If Y, the search
continues until another find or the end of the file or marked block
is reached. If N, the operation will be terminated.
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c-QA Find And Replace Phrase
The find/replace phrase command is similar to find phrase (c-QF)
except a replace phrase of 1 to 31 characters must be entered in
addition to "Find:" when prompted with "Replace:". Cancel the
operation by pressing the Enter key only. In addition to the
"File (Y) or Block (N)?" and "Case sensitive (Y/N)?" options, TE
asks "Confirm replace (Y/N)?". If N, the replace phrase will be
substituted for the find phrase until the end of the file or block
is reached. If Y, the next two questions are asked each time the
find phrase is found.
o TE asks "Replace (Y/N)?". If Y, the replace phrase at the
cursor will be substituted for the find phrase. If N, the
find phrase will not be replaced.
o TE asks "Repeat (Y/N)?". If Y, the search will continue.
If N, the find and replace operation will be terminated.
c-QS or F3 Temporary Return To DOS
Return to DOS without removing TE from CPU memory (RAM). Run the
DOS command or program that will fit in remaining memory. Type
EXIT on the DOS command line to return to TE. Exercise caution
when using this command. Other programs could corrupt RAM
currently allocated to TE or crash the computer causing a loss of
all data changes made to the file since it was last saved.
c-QM Set Right/Left Margins and Page Length
TE prompts for answers to Left Margin, Right Margin, Page Length.
The current values are displayed. The current values may be
accepted by pressing Enter or the cursor keys may be used to
edit/change the values. The standard defaults are: Left/right
margin - Column 1/252, Page Length - 62 lines.
c-B Format Paragraph
A paragraph is formated with one space between each word, two
spaces after each period and each line left justified to fit the
maximum number of whole words between the current left/right
margin columns until a blank line or end of file is reached. The
command is ignored if the right margin is the default value 252.
For example, the following paragraph will be processed as shown.
Now is the time for everyone to
come to the party. The time is now.
Now is the time for everyone to come to
the party. The time is now.
The Format Paragraph command doesn't work correctly if a whole
word is longer than the number of columns between the left and
right margins.
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c-Kn Set Line Mark n=0-3
Set line mark n, where n is mark 0-3, to the line that currently
contains the cursor. Use c-Qn to position the cursor to the
specified mark n = 0-3.
Blocks can be marked with start/stop columns as well as start/stop
lines. The Block Right/Left Character commands (c-KI/c-KU) move
all lines of the marked block one character position from the
start block column instead of column 1. The following function
key assignments have been added: F3 - Temporary return to DOS
(c-KS), F5 - Print file or block (c-KP), F9 - Delete line (c-N).
The Mark Block Stop command now works correctly if the stop
location is before the Mark Block Start location. The Block Write
command now remembers the last Block Write file name as well as
the last Block Read file name. The status line cursor is placed
at the beginning of the default/last entry instead of at the end.
Added commands Delete Next Word (c-T) and To Specified Line
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
Public (software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help
you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for-
mat with screen printouts, if possible. PsL cannot debug pro-
programs over the telephone, though we can answer questions.
Disks in the PsL are updated monthly, so if you did not get
this disk directly from the PsL, you should be aware that the
files in this set may no longer be the current versions. Also,
if you got this disk from another vendor and are having prob-
lems, be aware that some files may have become corrupted or
lost by that vendor. Get a current, working disk from PsL.
For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter
and a list of the 3,000+ disks in the library, call or write
Public (software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 - F
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Orders only:
Outside of U.S. or in Texas
or for general information,
Call 1-713-524-6394
PsL also has an outstanding
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